Claire Elise was born last Sunday, October 24th, 2010 at 7:38pm. She was 8 lbs. 5 oz. and 21 inches long.
We are so glad that she finally made it here (five days late)! She is a sweet baby girl.
Right off the bat we decided that she has Mom’s lips and Dad’s toes (long and skinny). We are still undecided about who her other features belong to.
My water broke early Sunday morning (1:45 am) and we headed to the hospital. They checked things out and then sent us off for a walk. We did some good hospital exploring and saw basically no one besides the occasional security person. At about 7 am they decided that it was time to help things along so they started giving me petocin. By about 4 pm I was ready for an epidural. It made life much more pleasant. After about an hour and a half of pushing, Claire made it here safe and sound. Mark even cut the umbilical cord. It was so sweet to see him with his baby girl.
Mark’s parents were able to see her right after she was born and my mom spent most of the week at home with us.
We are so happy to have Claire in our family!