Here are our pictures from the last month or so in chronological order…
Attacking Dad.

Look at me I am so adorable!

Weird sleeping positions:

Helping Mom sew curtains:

Is there something on my face? (Eating carrots, she has gotten better, but of course still gets a messy face. What fun would it be otherwise?)

Consignment sale shopping! Clothes for the next six months (maybe I bought too much, oops!)

Claire has become a pretty good sitter. She will often complain to you that she wants to sit up. Once you help her up she is much happier.

Kirk and Jessica (Mark’s brother and his wife) came up for Easter weekend. We went downtown and played frisbee golf. Jessica was excited about the goslings until she wasn’t sure what the mom and dad were going to do.

We went out to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Yummy!

Here are our Easter baskets.

Claire got some very styling sunglasses.

Easter Dinner. Kirk and Jessica are either ready to eat the ham or are scared of it, not sure which.

More random sleeping positions. Claire is a pretty good sleeper, usually 8pm to 7 or 8am with a 4-6am feeding.

Playtime before naptime.

Fun with the mirror in her crib.

We love our sweet Claire and watching her grow. She is currently in the process of getting her first tooth, no pictures yet but we can feel and see it.
Mark and I are still contemplating landscaping…we’ll see what happens.