
Our Wedding Day

After all the preparation and waiting and thinking it would never come, it finally came. All of the boys started the day off by going and picking up chairs (I peeked out the window at Mark when they came to get Pete. It made me a little giddy inside.) They took the chairs over to Campbell's where they were joined by Kadie. They started the tying chair sashes and any other prep work they could think of. I am pretty sure they did it all in record time. They worked fast and hard. Mark's parents and sister Mary came down early too to get things ready for the luncheon. 

Mark and I were supposed to be to the temple at ten to get ready. Mark came and met me at the house so that we could caravan. I believe that when we were standing at the door Mark told Ty something to the effect of "I was ok until I saw her." It was cute. It was so exciting to know that we were on our way to the temple and that before we knew it we would be a family.DSC_0008

After we found where Mark's recommend was once we got to the temple (in his shirt pocket, not his wallet), things went smoothly. We were able to go get dressed and spend a few minutes together before the ceremony. It was so nice to have family and friends there, some had traveled a long way. It was so nice to be able to look at Mark and think of all the time and blessings that we would be able to share together, to think of our lives and futures. Once the ceremony was done we got to say hi to everyone. That is when I got my first "Sister" and "Mrs." Salisburys (we also got a "Merry Christmas" just to change things up a bit.)

Now that we were husband and wife, we were ready to change and head outside (which I did faster than Mark and had to wait, but Mark was very handsome in his tux.) We headed outside and met everyone.

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We took some group pictures and then pictures of just the two of us. Clark, Mark's dad, was our official photographer, but I had also lent my camera to Pete too. We ended up with a lot of pictures (~1200)! It was such a gorgeous day. Sunny and warm. After pictures we had a little while to just relax before the luncheon.

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The luncheon was at the Campbell's. Sharon, Mark's mom, did an excellent job organizing and preparing everything. There was an hors d'oeuvre table that we got to snack on. Once everyone got there we all sat down (it did get a little toasty sitting out in the sun in the middle of the afternoon). We went around and everyone in the group got to say something (if they were so inclined). It was nice to hear the advice, some of which was serious and some a little more humorous. Then we were served our meals (Maddie's friends helped out with this). It was very tasty (chicken, squash, orange rolls, plum drink). Since it was also Marks' brother Kirk's birthday, we all sang Happy Birthday to him. (Thanks for letting us steal your day!) Then for dessert we had chocolate birthday cake and rice pudding. Sharon did such a great job it was so nice of her to put everything together, it was a big undertaking. Thanks to the rest of the family that helped too.

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After the luncheon Mark and I decided to go back to Mom's and take a nap since neither one of us had gotten a full night's sleep. We napped a little and then went back to the Campbell's to help finish getting things ready for the reception. There wasn’t a lot for us to do since they had done so much in the morning. Light candles and fill up the "nemo vases". AM (870) Kadie also worked on putting her masterpiece, the cake, together. Kadie did an excellent job with the cake and with helping with all of the other set up and supervising that needed done so that we didn't have to worry about it. She was a life savor.


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Some of the decoration highlights at the reception were the "nemo vases", the posters (engagement, bridal, dating, and kid pictures), candles on the tables, the pink chair sashes, the cake, the drink fountain, and lights along the fence. Our sign-in book was an album that we had made of our favorite engagement pictures. The albums and posters were all printed at work. The joke was that our wedding was sponsored by hp. No complaints from me. For food we had cheesecake with various toppings and a strawberry lemonade type drink (also pink).

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It was nice to be able to see so many of the people that I grew up with and friends and family that we love. It was good to meet some of the people that I had only heard of before. We were also able to sneak a few more pictures in during the reception.

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AM (992)My dear roommate, Jenny, caught the bouquet (which she is very good at doing), and Kirk caught the garter (which we recycled from a friend's wedding that we had gone to where I caught the bouquet and Mark caught the garter.)  


AM (1003) Then we cut the cake. We got to eat the carrot cake layer. We were both nice and there were no messy faces.




Maddie had picked a song for us to dance to, "I've got you under my skin." Before long it was time for us to head out. Sharon sent us off with some extra hors d'oeuvres to munch on, but first we had to get in the car. The car had been attacked during the reception (we had had an offer to hide it in the neighbor's garage, but we figured we shouldn't take everyone's fun away.) It had been saran wrapped, the window's written on, pink crepe paper in the wheels, pink bows on the mirrors and of course there were cans tied to the back. It took us a few minutes to get the saran wrap off so that we could make our escape, but we eventually did.
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Thank you so much to everyone that helped and for all of your love and support! Mark and I had a great day that we will remember for a long time to come. We are now a family!


1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking all week about how I need to bug you to blog about your wedding, and then voila! You looked SO beautiful! You guys did a great job planning! Everything looks so great! I wanted to be there so bad!!! I am so so so so so happy for you guys! I really am going to call you soon so we can catch up!
