
Claire’s 2nd Birthday

Claire turned two a week ago.  We went to the Boise Temple open house in the morning.  (We are excited that it will be open again soon!  It has been closed for more than a year.)

Claire was looking up at Angel Moroni.

We had a party at home that evening.  She got one of her favorites, chicken nuggets, for dinner and then we opened presents and had cake.


She got a Minnie Mouse doll.  She is rather fond of Minnie Mouse since Mark bought her some Minnie Mouse puzzles when Evan was born.  We do them each multiple times every day. (They are 24 piece puzzles and she has gotten pretty good at them.  Pretty impressive for a two year old I think.)

Her cake was a blue butterfly since she likes both of those things.  If she doesn’t know what color something is her default answer is “boo.”  I don’t think that she ever ate any of the actual cake, she just wanted the marshmallows that were on top.

Our Miss Claire is a smart cookie.  She loves her puzzles, is learning her colors, likes to try and count things (usually two, tree (no one)), loves reading books, likes building with the blocks (especially towers to sit on) and is getting better at talking all the time (Evan=Eh-n, loves, sit down, help=helk, please, come, book=bik, home=hone, walk, stairs, milk=nelk, apple, mouse (for minnie mouse), blanket, pictures, etc.)

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