

Our Evan is three months old now!  He continues to be a big boy.  At his two month appointment he was 14 lbs 6 oz (91%) and 25 1/4 in (97%).  He is really a pretty good baby (except that some nights he wakes up more than I would like.)

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When he was born my Grammy (GG) got to come visit us and help out.  She broke her elbow the second day she was here so we got to keep her for extra time.  We loved having GG here.  She was great playing with Claire and helping out even with a broken elbow.


We blessed Evan over Labor Day weekend down in Clinton, Utah.  Mark’s sister had a baby three weeks after Evan so we blessed them together.  It was nice to have family there.

Claire wanted to lay down for her picture too.  Silly girl.DSC_0150

Evan and cousin Ashlyn.DSC_0197


Here is Evan during our family picture session.

Here is Evan’s birth announcement.
Evan announcement 2

I liked this one too, but Mark pointed out that it is 95% fabric.
Evan announcement 1

One day Claire wanted to be “burritoed” like Evan.  It didn’t last long.IMAG0974


He has become a finger sucker.IMAG1017

Claire likes to have “tummy time” with Evan.IMAG1047

1 comment:

  1. Oh Amanda, you really have such BEAUTIFUL children! They are just angels. I wish we lived closer so we could play sometimes! CUTE pictures!
